Monday, August 22, 2011

Daughter of a King

Disney castle
Doesn't pretty much every little girl wish she was a princess and live in a castle with a handsome prince happily ever after?

Well I've got some news for you aspiring princesses out there --

You ARE a princess!

God is our King and our Heavenly Father, and we are His daughters, His princesses.  We have the opportunity to inherit all He has!  If we live faithful to the commandments our Savior Jesus Christ has given us to live by, and make and keep sacred covenants (or promises, or contracts with God) through sacred ordinances such as baptism by immersion into Christ's church, and receiving our endowment in the temple, and being sealed to our families for time AND eternity in the holy temple of God, we will be counted worthy before our Heavenly Father at the last day and we will be granted glorious blessings!  There are mansions awaiting us in our Heavenly Father's great kingdom where we can live for eternity in peace and joy with Him and the Savior and our families.

Salt Lake City temple
Such marvelous and wonderful blessings await us.  Heavenly Father has offered us so much.  But we must do our part.  Our "happily ever after" doesn't come all at once, and it doesn't happen by our own standards.  We must learn truth and stick to it, and live by it each day.  We must enter into the holy temple of God and make sacred covenants with Him, so we are better equipped to fight off the adversary in our lives and rise triumphant through our trials.  Though it doesn't end there.  It takes hard work every day to keep doing the right thing and to stay on the right, the straight and narrow, path.  But even though our Father in Heaven meant for us to be tried on the earth to test our faithfulness, He also had and has the intention of us to have joy!  Our "happily ever after" can being now.  And following the Savior and making covenants or promises with God that we will try to live up to our divine potential is how we can make that happen for ourselves.  Life is such a wonderful and beautiful thing!  This earth is so glorious and beautiful.  It was created for our benefit and also our enjoyment, that we might have joy!  We never would have been able to learn and know what joy feels like had we not come to earth to experience sorrow.  There must be an opposite in all things so we may know the difference between each and so we may know what joy and happiness is and feels like.

We have divine potential.  Potential to inherit mansions and glory and kingdoms.  Potential to live in happiness and joy throughout all eternity.  I am grateful for this knowledge I have of my divine potential and the purpose of this life on Earth.  I'm grateful for the Savior, Jesus Christ who has made it all possible.  I believe in Him, and I know He lives and visits the earth and leads His church on the earth today, which is the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  This happiness and joy and understanding we all seek for in life comes by obeying all of His commandments and making sacred covenants with Him.

You ARE a princess, a daughter of a King.  And you CAN live in a castle with your handsome prince,

happily ever after.

Learn more.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The Lord Gave Me a Temple

One of the reasons our loving Heavenly Father sends His spirit children (us) to the earth is so we can obtain physical bodies.

I love my body!

Recently I have gained greater appreciation for this amazing gift.  And I also realize that it is an amazing blessing that my body is healthy and functions properly so I can do almost anything I want or need to do!  This is my new motivation for taking care of my body, this great gift.  I'm trying to eat regularly, but not too much, and not eat so much cruddy food (some, but not all the time!).  I'm trying to realize my limits when it comes to food!  And I'm getting myself back in shape by exercising regularly.  There are lots of ways to exercise!  In the last two weeks I realize that I don't HATE running as much as I thought.  When it's beautiful outside and you know you're doing something good to benefit yourself and your amazing gift of a body, it can be quite refreshing.  I'm not planning on running a marathon any time soon.  But I'm just sayin'.

I'm thankful for my body!  Its amazing ability gives evidence that there is a God.  And I know there is!

Monday, August 8, 2011

And the Verdict Is...

Adam applied for the Architecture program at the U of A and we have been waiting since May to find out whether or not he was accepted.  They were supposed to tell us at the beginning of June, and then they said they would tell us in the middle of July.  Well word FINALLY came!  Two days before we left on our two-week vacation to Utah and beyond, which would be July 19th or 20th, he got the letter.  Or email rather.  It said...  "Congratulations!"  I didn't have much doubt that he would make it in.  He worked really hard this last year (the "freshman" year of the Architecture program) and did a really good job at all of his projects!  Plus, it helped that the odds of getting in this year were apparently better than usual.  I think 80 applied and they were taking 70.  But nonetheless, YAY!  I knew he would do it.  I wasn't too stressed about it.  But he was!  Just the not knowing thing...  It kinda gets to you.  Especially since he kinda needs to be accepted into the program to be able to get a degree in this field that he wants to someday get a job in to support our family!  No pressure or anything.  So needless to day it was a load off of his shoulders.  And now begins the 4-year journey... (which isn't too bad considering some other majors!)

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


...lost their "soul"!  :)